How To Save The Planet

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10 simple steps that can change the world

Saving the planet? Surely that’s too big a job for ordinary people, organisations, even governments? No it’s not! Every person on this planet wakes up each day and makes choices, children have limited choices but adults far less so. Each day we can make choices that have a positive or negative impact on our future and the future of the planet. Every organisation, government and country is made up of individuals just like you or me who have the ability to change their choices for the better; if we all start doing this then it really will change the world.

We can’t wait for everyone else to begin making the right choices, we have to begin with ourselves and then maybe we might be able to convince those around us to join in too. All movements have to start somewhere, with one person taking a stand before it spreads and grows into something momentous. The steps are simple, it just requires being conscious of what you are doing and remembering to keep on doing it.

'It can be so easy to feel overwhelmed by the immense environmental challenges that confront us but Luke Eastwood's accessible book takes us by the hand and illustrates how each of us can make a difference. His 10 steps offer clear and achievable goals that can have a positive impact on our relationship with our planet and on our ability to act in upholding its well-being. A hopeful and empowering read!' Philip Carr-Gomm, author of Druid Mysteries, The Prophecies, The Druid Way and What Do Druids Believe.

In this 94-page, pocket-sized volume, the author is dealing with matters closer to the ground and investigating choices that we can make. 4 out of 5 stars, RTÉ Culture

This is a no-nonsense, no punches pulled ten step guide to living in a way that is viable for the planet. It’s full of interesting bits of information about what kinds of impact different activities have, their history, their place in our culture and how the alternatives work. It’s all very readable and digestible. Druid Life Blog

In 10 very short chapters Luke outlines why we are in a big mess and what we as individuals can do about it now, instead of waiting for others and the government to act. Tipp Tatler Magazine

How to Save the Planet is handily split into ten simple steps. Just reading the contents page isn’t enough though. Luke takes each point and expands upon it, exploring the collective sense of denial I touched upon above but more importantly explaining why each action is vital and the impact it will have.

How to Save the Planet’ by Luke Eastwood is – as the title suggests – aimed at anyone who wants to preserve our world, offering ten helpful suggestions. It’s printed on recycled paper, and 50% of the proceeds go to Greenpeace.

green issues, greta thunberg, climate change, climate crisis, climate activism, green living, ecology, eco conscious, eco-living

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