The Journey

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This is a very short book but it contains a powerful message for these times of global capitalism, environmental destruction, and religious intolerance. I have tried to focus on ways of achieving spirituality without the dogma and control of organised religion, to do this I have used what I consider to be apt sources from across the globe to reinforce my statements. Spirituality should be about connecting to divinity regardless of the social or religious environment we come from, fundamentalism is just devisive and a distraction from what is really important. Originally published in Ireland only, this revised and expanded edition was published by Moon Books in December 2012.


"A little book to keep in your pocket, beside your bed, in your car or in your bag, to open a page everyday. The journey of life, the journey of the soul, a compilation of thoughts and reflections to enrich and enlighten each day. I really love this handy little book. A great gift to offer!"
Elena Danaan, author of  'A Gift From The Stars' and 'The Seeders'

"Beautifully Wise - It has long been said that good things come in small packages, and this delightful 78 page volume is no exception. 'The Journey' is a collection of wisdom that is relevant to anyone, on any spiritual or religious path; even an atheist would find reassurance here, I think. Each small section is like a tiny gem, the words gleaming out of the paper. The style is easy going while retaining a passion for the subject at hand. There is no judgement, no religious preference and no snobbery; this book is talking about the universe and everyone in it, and at the same time it is talking about just you, and you alone. One of the Chinese proverbs he uses is 'Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.’ This book can certainly open doors, and I would heartily recommend that you enter."
Mabh Savage, author of 'A Modern Celt Seeking the Ancestors' and ' The Celtic Goddess'

"A powerful read with a stark, though ultimately positive and uplifting, message which jumps out at you. It captured my interest from the first line and held it to the very last. Whilst this book does not tell us anything we didn’t already know and haven’t been told before in various guises, what it does tell us is stripped bare of any intellectual debate or any other form of embellishment so that the pure truth shines through. Thought provoking and an accessible read it establishes the idea of unity as a way of being. I enjoyed the very appropriate quotes and I like the way it comes in small, bite sized chunks so that you can dip in and out as you like/need." Krystina Kellingley. author of 'Mistflower - The Loneliest Mouse'


"The Journey combines the author's thoughts with eclectic teachings from throughout the world... thought-provoking." Evening Herald (Ireland)

"What a lovely pocketful of spiritual wisdom and inspiration! Luke Eastwood does a beautiful job presenting short spiritual lessons and collected wisdom from the faiths and traditions of the whole world. I enjoyed both the original content and collected quotes. This is the perfect gift for those who are new spiritual seekers or lifelong questioners. I also think it could be thoroughly useful for a bit of bilbomancy!" Esoteric Moment

"This little book certainly gives much food for thought on our attitudes to life and it also gives an insight into religious beliefs which have more in common with Christianity than one might think; it seems particularly pertinent for the times in which we live." Big Issue (Irish Edition)

"This small book is one of those unusual publications that you can read in half an hour but leaves quite an impression... It reads like a gentle conversation and I very much enjoyed it - picking up some insights along the way. I felt that the message was quite relevant for today: that there are many paths to truth."
Immrama Magazine

"A handy small reference and reminder of the essential unity of every spiritual path, but also a working notebook and starting point for the owner to add to the collection with their own favourites, and the format lends itself to this use." Touchstone Magazine

"This is a physically small book with an enormous and timely message. Luke Eastwood draws together the strands of holy writings and sayings through the ages to show that they all give us the same message." Earth Craeftes

"An interesting and accessible read... it has a positive message." Books Ireland

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