
There is a clear rift in peoples' thinking - those that want to be part of a better world, those few who are very happy for it to remain an unfair place, those too fearful to try and change things and those that are happy to suckle on the TV nipple and live like domesticated sheep. Humanity has so much potential, should we really settle for such a mediocre and ultimately unsustainable existance? If you care DO SOMETHING, get involved, be the change! My articles date from the nineties onwards, I've divided them into six categories for convenience. Just click the titles to read them. You'll also find what I intended as pithy quotes on many of the pages on this site, I hope you enjoy them. The most recent articles are at the top of each column.

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My YouTube channel is here:

"Those who truly understand the nature of our society have a duty to make the truth known to all, as plainly as possible.

We owe it to our peers and to future generations to do everything within our power to wake the masses from their slumber. Only then may we shake off the shackles of this insidious and largely unchallenged enslavement of the many for the benefit of the few."
