Stand Your Ground or be Destroyed -
It Will Come Down to This

Stand Your Ground or be Destroyed -
It Will Come Down to This

First published 8 January 2022

Over the last 20 years we have seen the remergence of politics, which had been heading into the arena of irrelevance. Now that apathy and disgust has been turned around into division – division on race, gender, sexuality, class, economics, environment, health and personal freedoms.

This divisiveness is no accident, this, along with fear, is one of the major weapons of the Elites, call it the New World Order, Deep State, Big Government or whatever you will – it is an agenda that has been forced on the world by corporate media and weak and pliable governments, who are at the mercy of central banks, the Bank of International Settlements and corporate lobbying.

Those who believe in freedom, on both the left (like myself) or right, would describe ourselves as libertarian, we believe in freedom of speech, freedom of choice for everyone. That does not mean we are intolerant – in fact quite the opposite, we are willling to tolerate those who opinions we detest in the name of freedom. In my own case, I would be a left libertarian, an increasingly rare breed. I believe in social democracy, limits to capitalism and growth, but I also believe in freedom of speech, free choice, in minimalist government and minimal state interference in the lives of the public.

That there is the rub – the Achilles heel of those who wish to be tolerant and accepting. Those who wish to oppress free thought and impose authoritarianism know that libertarians will not oppose their right to have an extreme view. Libertarians have not opposed the proliferation of far-left or far-right propaganda (within the bounds of the law) even while giving dire warnings. However, it is the far-left that has infiltrated every public institution, the mainstream media, schools, colleges and much of public and private life.

This is so far ingrained now that normalising Communist values such as the destruction of the family, destruction of the social fabric of countries, the end of property and personal wealth has almost been achieved. It is only now, when we stand on the precipice, on the edge of losing all of our freedoms, perhaps forever, that the public is finally beginning to wake up to this slow-moving coup attempt. The trouble with the “Boiling Frog” problem is that most often the frog ends up boiled to death, and indeed fails to jump out of the steaming pot. Are we going to succumb or will we finally make a stand and leap out of the boiling water?

I want freedom for everyone, of all political persuasions, but ultimately we are left with a simple choice – stand up for our right to exist and believe what we want or face annihilation. The ‘Narrative’ has no room for dissenters, for the free-thinker and if this process moves to its conclusion it will not just be those who do not have a QR Vaccine Passport who will be punished. Very soon it will be anyone who speaks out in disagreement with the emerging world government, or its cronies, who will be vilified, oppressed, locked up and possibly worse.

When the door is closed and the key turned in the lock it will be too late. It’s all well and good realising that you have been fooled, made a victim of mass formation, but what good is it in hindsight, when you are already imprisoned? The time to act is now, not when the door is slammed shut and your jailor is walking away, chuckling to himself about how easy it all was.

We have been forced to the edge, to the point of no return. Like a cornered dog we are now left with little choice but to (non violently) fight back and no longer tolerate the machinations of governments, their compliant media, or public and private enforcers. If we do not make a stand now, and say NO, NO MORE then all is lost. It will be only a matter of time before more laws are passed to punish and incarcerate the non-compliant or to make it impossible for us to work, buy food or appear in public. This is not an acceptable way to run any society or to treat human beings. The time is now – if we do not make a stand against tyranny then freedom will die and those who love liberty and freedom will be destroyed along with it.